Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Tegile disk pool metadata monitor

We recently found out the hard way that you must monitor the disk pool metadata use on pools that hold data.

Previously we didn't monitor this on a regular basis but after moving a lot of data the cluster basically crashed.  The pool metadata use got to 98% and as far as our ESX hosts were concerned the disks were all full even though there was terabytes of space available.  Our servers stopped in their tracks until Tegile got the meta cleaned up which took only minutes to do but had us down for a few hours.

With ZFS it seems that this metadata is the equivalent of the file allocation table on NTFS or FAT.  I'm no Solaris expert but these things are making me learn a lot, and fast.

To avoid this in the future I retooled my replication report to detail the pool stats.  I plan to run this as a scheduled task three times a week.  The script is below, perhaps it can help someone else to keep their system healthy.

Make sure to create the config file and place it in the folder with the script.  You'll need PowerShell v5 and the PoshSSH module for this to work.

A minor update...  Added separate triggers for pool and meta use.
Another updaye... Fixed error related to leading zero on meta used.

         File Name : ZebiDiskHealthReport.ps1
   Original Author : Kenneth C. Mazie (kcmjr @ kcmjr.com)
       Description : This script will query multiple Tegile Zebi Controllers,
                   : parse the output from "zpool list", and email a report.
         Arguments : Named commandline parameters:  (all are optional)
                   :   "-console" - Displays console output during run.
                   :   "-debug" - Switches email recipient.
             Notes : Settings are loaded from an XML file located in the script folder.
                   : See the end of the script for config file example.
      Requirements : Requires PS v5.  Requires Posh-SSH module.           
          Warnings : Make absolutely sure the proper user is in the confix file AND on each Zebi
                   :  as well as is listed in the sshd_config file on the zebi.
             Legal : Public Domain. Modify and redistribute freely. No rights reserved.
           Credits : Code snippets and/or ideas came from many sources around the web.
    Last Update by : Kenneth C. Mazie (email kcmjr AT kcmjr.com for comments or to report bugs)
   Version History : v1.0 - 02-03-16 - Original
    Change History : v1.1 - 02-14-17 - Retooled from Zebi replication report script.
                   : v1.2 - 02-24-17 – Added separate triggers for pool and meta use.
                   : v1.3 - 03-02-17 - Fixed error caused by meta free less than 10 without leading zero.
#requires -version 5.0

Param (
      [bool]$Debug = $false,
      [bool]$Console = $false


#--[ Store all the start up variables so you can clean up when the script finishes. ]--
if ($startupvariables) { try {Remove-Variable -Name startupvariables  -Scope Global -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } catch { } }
New-Variable -force -name startupVariables -value ( Get-Variable | ForEach-Object { $_.Name } )

If (!(Get-Module Posh-SSH)){Import-Module "Posh-SSH" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue}
If ($Debug){$Script:Debug = $true}
If ($Console){$Script:Console = $true}
$ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
$Script:Datetime = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy_HH:mm"              #--[ Current date $ time ]--
$Script:Today = Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy"                       #--[ Current date ]--
$Script:ThisYear = Get-Date -Format "yyyy"                          #--[ Current year ]--
$EpochDiff = New-TimeSpan '01 January 1970 00:00:00' $(Get-Date)    #--[ Seconds since 01-01-1970 ]--
$EpochSecs = [INT] $EpochDiff.TotalSeconds                          #--[ Rounded ]--
$EpochDays = [INT] (($EpochDiff.TotalSeconds)/86400)                #--[ Converted to days ]--
$Script:Span = 11                                                   #--[ HTML col count ]--     
$Script:BadMetaPercent = 85                                         #--[ Meta use percent after which report turns red ]--
$Script:BadPoolPercent = 80                                         #--[ Pool use percent after which report turns red ]--

#--[ Functions ]----------------------------------------------------------------
Function ResetVariables
      Get-Variable | Where-Object { $startupVariables -notcontains $_.Name } | ForEach-Object {
            try { Remove-Variable -Name "$($_.Name)" -Force -Scope "global" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -WarningAction SilentlyContinue}catch{ }

Function SendEmail {
      If ($Script:Debug){$ErrorActionPreference = "stop"}
      $email = New-Object System.Net.Mail.MailMessage
      $email.From = $Script:EmailFrom
      $email.IsBodyHtml = $Script:EmailHTML
      If ($Script:Debug){
      $email.Subject = $Script:EmailSubject
      $email.Body = $Script:ReportBody
      $smtp = new-object Net.Mail.SmtpClient($Script:SmtpServer)
      If ($Script:Console){Write-Host "`nEmail sent...`n"}

#--[ Read and load configuration file ]-----------------------------------------
If (!(Test-Path "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration.xml")){                            #--[ Error out if configuration file doesn't exist ]--
      Write-host "MISSING CONFIG FILE.  Script aborted." -forgroundcolor red
      [xml]$Script:Configuration = Get-Content "$PSScriptRoot\Configuration.xml"  #--[ Load configuration ]--
      $Script:DebugEmail = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Debug
      $Script:EmailTo = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.To
      $Script:EmailHTML = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.HTML
      $Script:EmailSubject = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.Subject
      $Script:EmailFrom = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.From
      $Script:SmtpServer = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Email.SmtpServer
      $Script:UserName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Username
      $Script:Password = $Script:Configuration.Settings.Credentials.Password
      [array]$Script:Targets = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.Targets
      $Script:ReportName = $Script:Configuration.Settings.General.ReportName

#--[ Add header to html output file ]--
$Script:ReportBody = @()
$Script:ReportBody += '
<style type="text/css">
      table.myTable { border:5px solid black;border-collapse:collapse;}
    table.myTable td { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;white-space:nowrap;}
      table.myTable tr { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;white-space:nowrap;}
      table.myTable th { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;background:#949494;white-space:nowrap;}
      table.bottomBorder { border-collapse:collapse; }
      table.bottomBorder td, table.bottomBorder th { border-bottom:1px dotted black;padding:5px; }
      tr.noBorder td {border:0}
      td.auto { border:2px solid black;padding:5px;white-space:nowrap;}

$Script:ReportBody +=
'<table class="myTable">
      <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan='+$Script:Span+'><center><h1>- ' + $Script:ReportName + ' -</h1></td></tr>
      <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan='+$Script:Span+'><center>The following report displays statistics for the disk pools on all Tegile SAN controllers.</td></tr>
      <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan='+$Script:Span+'><center>Metadata is only used for pools that host data, not system pools. Not all controllers host data.</td></tr>
      <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan='+$Script:Span+'><center>If Metadata useage exceeds 85% manual cleanup is recommended.  Above 95% writes will begin to fail.</td></tr>
      <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan='+$Script:Span+'><center>If Pool data useage exceeds 80% cell color will change to indicate manual inspection is recommended.</td></tr>
      <tr class="noBorder"><td colspan='+$Script:Span+'></tr>

Foreach ($Target in $Script:Targets.Target){
      if ($Console){Write-Host "`n--[ Processing Target: $Target ]-----------------------------------" -ForegroundColor Yellow }             
      $Cmd =      '/usr/sbin/zpool list'                                           #--[  If you change this command keep the path or SSH will not record data ]--
      Remove-SSHSession -SessionId 0 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null      #--[ Clear out previous session if it still exists ]--
      $SecPassword = ConvertTo-SecureString $Script:Password -AsPlainText -Force
      $Creds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($Script:UserName, $SecPassword)
      $SSH = New-SshSession -ComputerName $Target -Credential $Creds -AcceptKey:$true #| Out-Null  #--[ Open new SSH session ]--
      $Script:Return = $(Invoke-SSHCommand -SSHSession $SSH -Command $Cmd).Output   #--[ Invoke SSH command and capture the output as a string ]--
      #If ($Script:Console){$Script:Return}                                         #--[ Display raw output ]--
      $lineCount = 0
      $color = 10
      #--[ Build target table ]--
      $Script:HTMLData = @()
      $Script:HTMLData += '<tr class="myTable"><th>Controller</th><th>Pool</th><th>Pool Size</th><th>Pool Used</th><th>Pool Free</th><th>Pool % Used</th><th>Dedup %</th><th>Meta Size</th><th>Meta Used</th><th>Meta Free</th><th>Meta % Used</th></tr>'
      $Script:RowData = ""
      Foreach ($Line in $Script:Return){
            If ($Console){write-host $Line -ForegroundColor $color }                #--[ Display parsed data for debugging ]--
            If ($LineCount -ge 1){                                                  #--[ Ignore Output Header ]--
                  $Line = $Line -replace "\s+", ","

                  #--[ HTML Row Color Settings ]------------------------------------------
                  $ColorGrey = "#dfdfdf"                                            #--[ Grey default cell background ]--
                  $ColorRed = "#ff0000"                                             #--[ Red background for alerts ]--
                  $ColorOra = "#ff9900"                                             #--[ Orange background for alerts ]--
                  $ColorYel = "#ffd900"                                             #--[ Yellow background for alerts ]--
                  $ColorBla = "#000000"                                             #--[ Black default cell foreground ]--

                  $Script:RowData += '<tr>'           #--[ Start table row ]--
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Target + '</td>'                   #--[ Host
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[0] + '</td>'       #--[ Pool
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[1] + '</td>'       #--[ Size
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[2] + '</td>'       #--[ Used
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[3] + '</td>'       #--[ Free
                  If (($Console) -and ($Debug)){write-host 'Pool % Used: '(($Line.Split(",")[4]).Split("%")[0])}
                  If (($Line.Split(",")[4]).Split("%")[0] -ge $Script:BadPoolPercent){
                        $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorYel + '><font color=' + $ColorRed + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[4] + '</td>' #--[ % Used BAD
                        $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[4] + '</td>' #--[ Used
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[5] + '</td>'       #--[ Dedup
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[8] + '</td>'       #--[ Meta Size
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[9] + '</td>'       #--[ Meta Used
                  $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[10] + '</td>'      #--[ Meta % Used BAD
                  If ("{0:D2}" -f [int](($Line.Split(",")[11]).Split("%")[0]) -ge $Script:BadMetaPercent){
                        $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorYel + '><font color=' + $ColorRed + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[11] + '</td>'      #--[ Meta % Used
                        If ($Console -and $Debug){write-host "Meta % Used: "("{0:D2}" -f [int](($Line.Split(",")[11]).Split("%")[0])) -ForegroundColor Red }
                        $Script:RowData += '<td class="myTable" bgcolor=' + $ColorGrey + '><font color=' + $ColorBla + '>' + $Line.Split(",")[11] + '</td>' #--[ Meta Cap                       

                        If ($Console -and $Debug){write-host "Meta % Used: "("{0:D2}" -f [int](($Line.Split(",")[11]).Split("%")[0]))}
                  $Script:RowData += '</tr>'                                                                #--[ Start table row ]--
      $Script:HTMLData += $Script:RowData
      $Script:ReportBody += $Script:HTMLData
      $Script:ReportBody += '<tr class="noBorder"><td colspan='+$Script:Span+'></tr>'
$Script:ReportBody += '</table><br><br>'

$Script:ReportBody += "<br>Script executed on "+$Datetime+"<br><br>"
$Script:ReportBody | Out-File "$Script:FullFileName.html"  


if ($Console){Write-Host "--- Completed ---" -ForegroundColor Red }

<#-----------------------------[ Config File ]---------------------------------

The configuration file must be named "Configuration.xml" and must reside in
the same folder as the script.  Below is the format and element list:

<!-- Settings & Configuration File -->
            <ReportName>Zebi Disk Pool Health Report</ReportName>
            <Subject>Zebi Disk Pool Status Report</Subject>
